Friday, December 10, 2010

Teens Feel Stress during the Holidays, Too

Many adults feel stressed out or get the blues during the winter holidays. But they don’t always realize that teens get these feelings, too. The same things can cause these feelings for teens as they do for adults:
Hectic schedule
Financial stress
Increased family conflict or misunderstanding
Changes in diet and routines
Cabin fever
Pressure to find the perfect gifts
Not getting the gifts you wanted
Increased grief about divorce, death, or other family changes (see below)
Shortened amount of daylight (a cause of serious depression for many)
Also, many teens feel empty because holidays are not the same as when they were young kids. All on top of the normal stresses of growing up!
Feeling stressed or getting the blues during the holidays is normal. Some simple steps can help ease the feelings for your teen and get them through the season.
Help your teens manage their feelings. Encourage them…
To talk. Help them express their feelings. Really listen to them. Try not to judge them or overreact. Instead, help them try to solve their problems. Encourage them to talk to other trusted adults or friends, too.
To take a break. Getting away from others can be re­freshing. Encourage them to spend time relaxing or doing an activity for themselves. Just spending a few minutes outside can re-energize them.
To exercise. This is one of the best ways to work off stress.
To eat right. Holidays often come with sugary and high-fat foods. Eating some is fine, but eating too much will only make mood swings worse.
To do something charitable. It can be easy to lose sight of what the holidays are really about. Doing something for someone else can help change one’s outlook. For the complete article see the link below

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